I realize that the holidays are extremely busy for a lot of people. I'm sure many of you travel to visit your families or are even the hosts for your own charming relatives. And cooking too! There seems to be a lot of cooking around Thanksgiving and Christmas. Despite the fact that the holidays are...well, a holiday, we tend to be very occupied. And that's fine! My only advice to you would be to really enjoy it. It is so easy to get caught up in the hectic side of our "time off" that we forget to stop and take in the moments. You guys know what moments I mean. The holidays really start to feel like the holidays for me from some of the more simple things. The smell of eggnog lattes brewing at Starbucks. The crisp feeling the air gets around the fall. Charlie Brown's Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas have always been big ones for me. My friend was telling me the other day that she thought that Charlie Brown's Halloween was too early for the holidays. But I don't know - something about when Lucy tricks Charlie Brown into trying to kick the football always ends up kicking of the season for me. Anyhow, please, I implore you- enjoy your holidays.

(It must be said that I am not referring to this time of year as "The Holidays" because I am avoiding terms like Christmas. I am just attempting to include all the fall holidays.)
I also know that many people don't celebrate many holidays. A family I am very close to doesn't really celebrate the holidays themselves but they might say that any season is a good one for honoring and giving glory to the righteous Lamb of God. Haha, that's another thing. Spending this season seeking the heart of God will turn out to be the greatest time of your life. Seriously though, I wish I could express in a blog the way he makes me feel. This is very off topic from where I started but I feel my heart burn for Him and I just have to say how I feel. He is so glorious! Seek Him and you will not be disappointed! Let Him be your magnificent obsession. My youth pastor was telling me that hunger is the currency of heaven. The more hunger you have for God the more his presence will fill you. But yeah...anyways - Back To The Holidays!

I must say that I haven't even gotten to the original point I was intending to make with this entry. My thoughts are not so much for those who have extremely busy holidays but unto those who sincerely and positively have absolutely nothing to do! ~ I am somewhat in that particular boat this season. Today marked the first day of Thanksgiving Break from school which will last for 9 days. But already today I found myself starting to get that bored feeling that you get in the pit of your stomach when you have nothing to do, and nothing, seems to be able to get rid of that feeling. So, having no options that were appealing at the time, I decided that maybe I could shake off the feeling by helping out around the house. All I really did was help my mom collect all the laundry from the house; it only took like 5 minutes. And I kept a servant heart the whole time. But you know what, it actually worked. I felt really good. I seems really absurd, but what I actually did was change my attitude from bored and sulky to willing; and I enjoyed every bit of the rest of my night. The smallest things made me smile tonight.
And this idea of being a servant is totally Biblical! The story of Jesus washing His disciple's feet is told in John 13:1-17. This idea is so amazing that he who is greatest will be servant to all. The greatest man ever to walk the earth was a servant to everyone though His life and more importantly, His death! So what should that challenge us to do?
In verse 12-17, when The Holy Lamb of God himself finished washing his disciples disgusting, soiled, dirty-cracked feet, he says this; ~ "Do you understand what I have done for you?" He asked them. "You call me 'Teacher' and 'Lord,' and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. I tell you the truth, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them." ~ When you serve you Will be blessed. I challenge you to find some time these holidays to serve at home or wherever you live. You don't have to say anything or expect any recognition, just have a heart to serve. You will feel amazing when you do and it's a great time filler for those with too much time on your hands.

~ Tune in next time for blogs with Michael............(just kidding) Happy Holidays!