Sunday, January 23, 2011

Enjoying Life

Here is a list of things God is teaching me.

1)To Listen...

-This can be difficult for me.

2)To let my cares go...

-There are so many. He can handle them...

3)To Enjoy the little moments...

-The ones that quiet your heart and sooth you. Almost like God pours a cup of cool water on your weary heart.

4)To rest...

-I got to take today off and do nothing but enjoy the day with Him beside me.

5) To have faith in people...

-They are capable of so much with someone like God contending for them.

Lately, I have had the great sensation of one who is taking in the moments. I am beginning to appreciate my friends and family. Things will not always be the way they are now; people move and change. I know I will always miss these times with my brothers. All of us sitting around in our pajamas on a Saturday night just doing anything in each other's company. Tonight it was a western movie. Myself, afterwards listening to Kina Grannis' music and enjoying reading blogs such as Dreams Running and Malorie Grace. I have also noticed that certain TV shows like 'Everybody Loves Raymond' are funny to me not just because of the its contents but also because of the countless times we've sat around my parent's bed watching it, hearing the familiar, comforting laughs of my parents.
All this to say, that I know God gives us permission to enjoy things in life not necasarily relating to his kingdom, but rather relating to family and friends whome you love. I have no doubt that God smiles on our family movie times as well as our family prayer times.
Take time to enjoy whatever it is you are doing...God wants to be involved in all of it.