I refuse to believe that my God will ever demand that we serve Him before we are first free to rest in Him. I think sometimes we feel like God's promises and assurances given in the Bible are for everyone else, except ourselves. I'm sure most Christians have no problem telling others about God's unending grace and love for them, but how many of us have trouble believing that He is longing just as much to give us that love. When he said "My grace is sufficient for you", he was talking to you! And the weary and heavy laden can often be you and me; meaning that He was talking to you when He said that He would give you rest. Often, God calls us to serve Him in obedience, but I once heard someone say that God wants us to be LOVERS of Him before we are Workers of Him. Also that LOVERS always outwork WORKERS.
Earlier today I felt like God asked me to go and evangelize to people at a Starbucks near my house. This was challenging and stretching for my own personal bubble, but I know that it was right. The only problem was that after talking to a few people there, I immediately felt like I had to more. Like what I had already done wasn't enough. Or that I wasn't enough. All the while, God's heart was so proud of my obedience to Him, and would still be so proud even if I had given an excuse to avoid obedience.
God gives us commands and rules like any father would give his son. But how do you think that father would feel if his children followed the rules but forgot to love him. As a parent, it would break your heart if you had a child who was obedient but felt unworthy to receive your love. How much more will our heavenly father who is so much more loving than us feel towards His children who feel the same way.
Whether or not you feel it is true, God is so proud of you and longs to love you as you are.