Friday, August 24, 2012

The Desires of my Heart

I noticed that when I am seeking to meet with God, I sometimes find it difficult to connect with Him, especially when I suppress the desires of my heart.  However, when I open up and tell GOd my desires and hopes and feelings and then submit them to Him, everything is out on the table and I don't have to worry.  Instead, I can move on to trust those desires to God and delight myself in Him.

Presence vs. Monotonous

I often feel like my job can drain me physically and sometimes spiritually depending on the work atmosphere.

Consequently, I often avoid thinking about work or even those individuals whom I work with when I'm not at work.

As a result of this attitude, I typically don't end up praying for those I work with out of the fear that bringing wok into my resting time with ruin my relaxation, and/or quiet time.

Am I really going to believe that my work atmosphere is more potent the atmosphere oh His presence??  Bringing work into my prayer life will not taint my time with God.

Quite the opposite.

God overwhelms my work place as I pray and makes it a place of joy and His Holy Spirit.

Rather than the monotonous of work being dragged into my peaceful times with God, the peace of God overwhelms the monotony of my workplace.